On Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 01:22, Bryan Harris <bryansli...@gmail.com> wrote:
> How do other people deal with this?  If I have a printf with seven complex
> (?, like the above) variables in it and one of them is undef, aside from
> breaking them all onto different print lines and re-running the script, how
> else can I figure out which one is undef?

Finding the undef in print statements is easy: just look at the
output.  I generally know what I expect to be in a given variable and
if it doesn't show up in the output, then that is the culprit.  For
instance, if

print join(",", @list), "\n";

produces "foo,bar,,quux\n" then I know that the third element of @list
is undef.  If

print "Ran $x tests against program $name\n";

produces "Ran 5 tests against program\n"; then I know $name is undef.
It is harder to find the undef if code like

my $n = $x * $y * $z;

One solution is to test in a debugger, but, I am ashamed to say, I
hate debuggers.  They get in the way of how I do things.  In general,
I drop in a warn or print statement like this:

print defined $x, defined $y, defined $z;
my $n = $x * $y * $z;

and rerun the code.  But recently I have started using [Carp::REPL][1]
to test code.  Here is an example session:

cow...@amans:~$ perl -MCarp::REPL=warn g.pl
Use of uninitialized value $z in multiplication (*) at g.pl line 10.

Trace begun at g.pl line 10
re.pl(main):001:0> :l
File g.pl:

  6: my $x = 5;
  7: my $y = 10;
  8: my $z;
*10: my $n = $x * $y * $z;
 12: print "n is $n\n";

re.pl(main):002:0> defined $x ? $x : "undef"
re.pl(main):003:0> defined $y ? $y : "undef"
re.pl(main):004:0> defined $z ? $z : "undef"
re.pl(main):005:0> :q
n is 0

It has most of the advantages of a debugger without all of the pain.
Of course, it can't stop at an arbitrary point in your code like a
debugger can, but it will stop at any warning or die.  Well, that is a
bit of a lie, you can drop Carp::REPL::repl into your code and get the
REPL without a warn or die, but that requires changing your code:

cow...@amans:~$ perl g.pl

Trace begun at g.pl line 12
re.pl(main):001:0> :l
File g.pl:

  8: my $x = 5;
  9: my $y = 10;
 10: my $z;
*12: repl;
 13: my $n = $x * $y * $z;
 15: print "$n\n";

re.pl(main):002:0> $x
re.pl(main):003:0> $y
re.pl(main):004:0> $z

re.pl(main):005:0> $z = 3
re.pl(main):006:0> :q

[1] : http://search.cpan.org/dist/Carp-REPL/lib/Carp/REPL.pm

Chas. Owens
The most important skill a programmer can have is the ability to read.

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