We are out of contest in here.

I know how to run open3, but I don't know how to test it. Repeating

use strict;
use warnings;
use IPC::Open3;
use IO::Handle;
use Test::More;
use Test::Trap;

sub shell_run {
   my ($stdin, $stdout, $stderr) = map {IO::Handle->new} (0..2);

   print "YYYY";

   open3($stdin, $stdout, $stderr, @_);

   foreach my $line (<$stdout>, <$stderr>) {
       print "read: $line";

   print "ZZZZ";

trap {shell_run('perl', '-E', 'print "TEXT IN"')};

#is( $trap->stdout, "YYYYZZZZ");
is( $trap->stdout, "YYYYTEXT INZZZZ");


How do I make that test pass?

or this:

trap {shell_run('perl', '-E', 'print STDERR "TEXT IN"')};
is( $trap->stdout, "YYYYTEXT INZZZZ");


On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 6:32 AM, C.DeRykus <dery...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Aug 28, 10:42 pm, ole...@gmail.com (marcos rebelo) wrote:
>> the idea is to process the STDOUT ad the STDERR.
>> open don't do it
> I was afraid you'd say that...
> open3 is very liable to deadlock since you're trying to read from
> both stderr and stdout.  You'll very likely want to use IO::Select
> to marshal when the read's occur and search for some sample
> code.
>> On Sun, Aug 29, 2010 at 6:08 AM, John W. Krahn <jwkr...@shaw.ca> wrote:
>> > C.DeRykus wrote:
>> >> Since you mention simplifying the code, do you actually
>> >> need IPC::Open3 ?  In your sample code, you're only
>> >> reading process output.
>> >> If you don't need IPC::Open3 complexity, you could just
>> >> use magic open to read output :
>> >> sub shell_run
>> >> {
>> >>     print "YYYY";
>> >>     my $pid = open( my $fh, qq{ @_ | } )  or die "open: $!";
>> > Probably better as:
>> >      my $pid = open my $fh, '-|', @_ or die "open: $!";
> In general yes but here I don't think there's a benefit.
> I believe perl will bypass  the shell in both cases since
> a list is passed. And, IIRC,  perl launches a shell only
> after parsing to see if it's absolutely required.
>> > And you don't use $pid anywhere so why create it?
> Agreed, I was trying to guage the OP's intention more
> than cleaning up all the code.
>> >>     print for<$fh>;
>> > Probably better as:
>> >      print while <$fh>;
> Hm, I'd prefer 'while' as well but, though it may look odd, I
> don't think there's been the  penalty of 'for <$fh>' creating
> and then iterating  through a potentially large list  for some
> time.
>> >>     close $fh  or die "close: ", $? || $!;
>> > Probably better as:
>> >      close $fh or die $! ? "Error closing pipe: $!"
>> >                          : "Exit status $? from $_[0]";
> Definitely better. A child error might mask an
> error for a full disk.
> --
> Charles DeRykus
> --
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