At 5:30 PM -0700 9/6/10, Matt Johnson wrote:

I periodically receive pdf's with a table of member names, addresses,
etc in a badly formated hard to read pdf. I would like to open the
pdf, extract the data, do a little re-organizing and write it to an
excel spreadsheet. Perl seems like the best way to do this.

I agree.

I have searched CPAN and seen that there are a bunch of pdf and
spreadsheet related modules. I am looking for advice about the best
modules to use for this.

Which modules would be the best to extract the data from the pdf and
write to Excel with?

I cannot advise on the PDF-extraction process, but I can tell you that I have used the Spreadsheet::WriteExcel many times to create Excel spreadsheets for data reporting purposes.

I will probably do this on OS X, though I can use Windows if I need to.

Mac OS X supports Perl and most CPAN modules quite well.

Jim Gibson

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