Could you please post an actual example of your email header.


On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 9:20 AM, S Pratap Singh <> wrote:

> Hello ,
> I am trying to write a script which can parse email header and based on
> certain criteria/parameter it will update the email subject detail in the
> database.
> I have written a code but it is taking too much time to execute the code
> and
> each process is utilizing 100% of its cpu resources allocated to the
> process.
> The code itself is too big so I can not paste it here since there are lots
> operation being performed on the email header after fetching the correct
> emails.
> However I am pasting the search string which I am using and I think it is
> only bugy.
> search_string =>
> '(.*)(From:)(\s*)(.*)(\s*)(\...@*\s*)(\s*)(\S*\s*\S*\s*\S*\s*\S*\s*\S*)(s*)(.*)(\s*)(id)(\s*)(\w\w\w\w\w\w-\w\w\w\w\w\w-\w\w*)(\s*)(.*)(\s*)(for
> \...@\s*)(\s*)(;)(\s*)(\S*\s*\S*\s*\S*\s*\S*)(\s*)(\d\d:\d\d:\d\d)(.*)(\s*)(Subject:)(\s*)(.*)(\s*)[(Primary
> Hostname)](\s*)(.*)',
> I want to gather particular field from the email header along with the
> complete message.
> The field which I want to select from the email header are
> 1 From address (Filed number 6)
> 2 For address (Since mails being forwarded to my email address from else
> where) (Filed number 17)
> 3 Date and Time (Filed number 22 and 24)
> 4 Message ID (Filed number 14)
> 5 Complete Subject Line (Filed number 29)
> 6 Complete Body (Filed number 33)
> Above gives me the output but it takes too much time sometimes it takes 30
> min if multiple mail comes to email address since I am writing these
> details
> in a file at the moment but I am worried because I want to update all these
> details to my database.
> Is there any way around to sort this out and it should not take more than a
> sec to complete the task.
> I know the above search string is not perfect and it fails if mail header
> format is different . If someone can shed some light on this.
> I have very less experience in perl programming so if you want to ask any
> thing please ask me and if some could come over chat then it will be really
> appreciated.
> Thank you
> Pratap

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