I know the problem is solved but Could the script be done like this ??


use strict;
use warnings;

while (my $line =<DATA> ) {

        my ($out_file) = $line =~ m/^(\d+_\d+_\d+);/;

                open (WRT,">>$out_file.log" ) or die " cannot opne file:
                print WRT "$line\n";


3_21_2010;11:12\\trafic info
3_21_2010;11:34\\trafic info
3_21_2010;13:21\\trafic info
3_22_2010;11:12\\trafic info
3_22_2010;11:34\\trafic info
3_22_2010;13:21\\trafic info
3_22_2010;11:12\\trafic info
3_23_2010;11:34\\trafic info

On Sat, Oct 16, 2010 at 2:11 PM, Shlomi Fish <shlo...@iglu.org.il> wrote:

> On Thursday 14 October 2010 16:54:32 yo RO wrote:
> > Hello I need to split a log file per days
> > I have a file in txt format and I want to create a file with all data
> > from one day in one file
> > I will give example
> >
> > I have this imput
> > 3_21_2010;11:12\\trafic info
> > 3_21_2010;11:34\\trafic info
> > 3_21_2010;13:21\\trafic info
> > 3_22_2010;11:12\\trafic info
> > 3_22_2010;11:34\\trafic info
> > 3_22_2010;13:21\\trafic info
> > 3_22_2010;11:12\\trafic info
> > 3_23_2010;11:34\\trafic info
> > 3_23_2010;13:21\\trafic info
> > 3_23_2010;13:21\\trafic info
> > 3_24_2010;11:12\\trafic info
> > 3_24_2010;11:34\\trafic info
> > 3_24_2010;13:21\\trafic info
> >
> > I want to have in output 3 file
> > file 1: name  3_21_2010.log
> > contain
> > 3_21_2010;11:12\\trafic info
> > 3_21_2010;11:34\\trafic info
> > 3_21_2010;13:21\\trafic info
> >
> > file 2 : 3_22_2010.log
> > contain
> >
> > 3_22_2010;11:12\\trafic info
> > 3_22_2010;11:34\\trafic info
> > 3_22_2010;13:21\\trafic info
> > 3_22_2010;11:12\\trafic info
> >
> > and like this
> > please help help me with this
> Try this program:
> [code]
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use strict;
> use warnings;
> # Replace this pseudo-constant with the name of the test log to open.
> my $LOG_FILE = "test.log";
> open my $log_in_fh, "<", $LOG_FILE
>    or die "Cannot open '$LOG_FILE' for reading - $!";
> my $log_out_fh;
> my $log_out_date;
> while (my $line = <$log_in_fh>)
> {
>    chomp($line);
>    if (my ($date) = $line =~ m{\A(\d+_\d+_\d+);})
>    {
>        if (!defined($log_out_date) or $log_out_date ne $date)
>        {
>            if ($log_out_fh)
>            {
>                close($log_out_fh);
>            }
>            $log_out_date = $date;
>            open $log_out_fh, ">", "$log_out_date.log"
>                or die "Cannot open '$log_out_date.log' for writing - $!";
>        }
>        print {$log_out_fh} "$line\n";
>    }
>    else
>    {
>        # Malformatted line - what now?
>    }
> }
> close($log_out_fh);
> [/code]
> You may need to customise it a little.
> Regards,
>        Shlomi Fish
> --
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Shlomi Fish       http://www.shlomifish.org/
> My Aphorisms - http://www.shlomifish.org/humour.html
> <rindolf> She's a hot chick. But she smokes.
> <go|dfish> She can smoke as long as she's smokin'.
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Agnello D'souza

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