You have various problems with your code, one of which was already mentioned
by Jos.  I will mention it again, as well as point out the other problems.

On Sat, Sep 22, 2001 at 06:22:01PM +0200, Birgit Kellner wrote:
> use strict;
> my (@hits, $key);
> my %hash = ('0' => 'miller', '1' => '32', '2' => 'copenhagen');

If you're indexing your hash based on number then you should be using an
array.  Also, don't name hashes %hash, or arrays @array, scalars $scalar,
etc.; use descriptive names.

> open (FILE, "<test.txt") or die ("can't open: $!");

Good, you checked your open.

> my $found = 0;

This variable is used for each line, but it's declared and initialized here. 
As far as I understand your code, you should be declaring it within your
while loop.

> while (<FILE>) {
>       my @line = split /\|/, <FILE>;

As Jos pointed out, you're reading from the file twice, discarding one of
the lines.  Split on $_.

>               foreach $key (keys %hash) {
>                       if ($line[$key] eq "$hash{$key}") {
>                       $found++;
>                       if ($found = scalar keys %hash) {

You just assigned 3 to $found; perhaps you meant ==?

>                               push (@hits, @line); last;

@hits just grew by three elements, not one.  You probably wanted to
enreference @line, or perhaps push $_.

>                               }
>                       else {
>                       next;

This next is unnecessary and potentially confusing.  At loop's end, it
naturally goes to the next iteration.

>                       }
>                       }#end if
>               }#end foreach
> }#end while
> foreach my $hit (@hits) {print "HIT: $hit\n";}

Given your description of what you want, and how I'm reading your code's
intent, it'd be easier to restructure your code thusly:

    @matching_line = qw(miller 32 copenhagen);

    LINE: while (<FILE>) {
        my @line = split("\|");

        foreach my $i (0 .. $#matching_line) {
            next LINE unless $line[$i] eq $matching_line[$i];

        # If we've gotten here it means @line matches @matching_line.
        push(@hits, \@line);

    foreach my $hit (@hits) {
        print "HIT: ", join("|", @$hit), "\n";

The code is untested.

Programmer, System Administrator

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