Hi every body

 recently i compiled a svmlight perl module two use svmlight program with


to compile a patch is needed and as i wanted to run it under linux in a 64
bits machine, i used the flag make " CFLAGS='-fPIC -O3' " after applaying a

 the compilation worked fine, but when ever i try to build  an object i get
get the following error

usr/bin/perl: symbol lookup error:
undefined symbol: set_learning_defaults

I would appreciate is some of you could tell me what does "symbol lookup
error" and "undefined symbol" means, by the way,  set_learning_defaults is
deffined at the patch


Pau Marc Muñoz Torres

Laboratori de Biologia Computacional
Institut de  Biotecnologia   i Biomedicina Vicent Villar

Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
E-08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona)

telèfon:  (+34)935 86 89 39
Email : paumarc.mu...@bioinf.uab.cat

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