I'm almost embarrassed to ask this, but I can't figure out a simple way to 
construct a switch ('given') statement where the 'when' clauses involve 

Here's the only way I've figured out to build a switch statement that does the 
trick.  It seems unusually wordy, which makes me think there must be a simpler 
way to test for certain bit combinations.  Any suggestions?



use strict;
use warnings;
use feature ":5.10";

# Here are masks for various bit combos of interest:                            

my $one_three        = 0b00001010; # bits 1 and 3 (counting from 0, right to 
my $zero_four        = 0b00010001; # bits 0 and 4                               
my $five             = 0b00100000; # bit 5                                      

# Here we will test several bit fields for bit combos of interest:              

for my $flags ( 0b10111010, 0b10111000, 0b10010010) {

    my $asbits = sprintf("0b%08b", $flags); # prepare bits for pretty-printing  

    given ( $flags ) {
        when ( ($_ & $one_three) == $one_three ) {  # bits one and three are on 
            say "$asbits has bits 1 and 3";
        when ( ($_ & $zero_four) == $zero_four ) { # bits zero and four are on  
            say "$asbits has bits 0 and 4";
        when ( ($_ & $five) == $five ) { # bit five is on                       
            say "$asbits has bit 5";
        default {
            say "$asbits has no interesting bit patterns.";

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