Hi Stephen,

a few comments on your code:

On Tuesday 11 Jan 2011 17:44:32 Stephen Allen wrote:
> I have sucessfully created as Radio-group along the lines of
> @TiesArray = SSDArray($uniqueorgref);


use strict; 
use warnings;

to the start of your script. Then declare all variables using "my":


> if (@TiesArray[0] ne "") {
> @TiesDesc = SSDDescArray($uniqueorgref);

You should indent properly. See:


> %TiesHash = @TiesDesc;

Are you sure you want to initialise a hash from an array this way?

> $q = new CGI;

Avoid indirect object notation:


And you should call the CGI object with a more meaningful name  than "$q".

> print         $q->start_form(-method=>"POST",
> -action=>"http://....../cgi-bin/ViewQuote.pl";),
> $q->p("The system has identified .... etc and click the SEND
> button."),
> $q->hidden("uniqueorgref", $uniqueorgref),
> $q->radio_group(-name=>"hideordNo", -values=>\...@tiesarray, -
> linebreak=>"true", -labels=>\%TiesHash),
> $q->submit("Send"),
> $q->hr,
> $q->end_form;

I don't like CGI.pm's HTML generation methods too much (they are bloat if you  
ask me). A templating system such as the Template Toolkit will be better:


> }
> My problem is that the hash that describes the radio group values -
> %TiesHash - (and should replace them on screen) is not operating. Any
> thoughts?

You can try using a debugger to see where it goes wrong:



        Shlomi Fish

Shlomi Fish       http://www.shlomifish.org/
My Public Domain Photos - http://www.flickr.com/photos/shlomif/

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