
qmv.exe (from renameutils) lets you edit multiple filenames in a text
I cannot get it to work in cygwin 1.7x (gives fork + jump error ??). So I
tried to write it in Perl.

qmv's  format is simple

filename-1    <empty space>        filename_1_to_be_edited
filename 2    <empty space>        filename_2_to_be_edited
filename_3    <empty space>        filename_3_to_be_edited

You edit the names and then it renames the files you have changed. Problem I
am having is how can I split the two file names by space
since file name itself might also have spaces in them.

I tried something like this

( $OldFileName, $NewFileName ) = split /\s{5,}/;

It works but not always.
I also thought to use and alternate anchor like pipe or comma but it looks
Beside qmv.exe uses space to separate file names Any help would be
appreciated. Thanks.

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