On Wed, 2 Mar 2011, Matt wrote:

> > The easiest way in my opinion is to use the 'grep' function like this:
> >
> > my $searchstring="whatever";
> > open CFG, '<', $_file || die("could not open file: $_file!");
> > my @data=<CFG>;
> > close CFG;
> > if ( grep /$searchstring/i, @data ) {
> >  print "$searchstring found\n";
> > }
> >
> This sorta worked.  Needed a minor change.
> > unless ( grep /$searchstring/i, @data ) {
> >  print "$searchstring not found\n";
> Thanks.

My apologies if I'm beating a dead horse here, but I'm new to Perl and 
thought of a slightly different approach:

my $searchrx = qr/whatever/;  # or q/whatever/ if you don't need regexp
@ARGV or die qq/you didn't specify a filename\n/;
open FH, q/</, shift @ARGV or die qq/file open error: $!/;
$_ = join q//, <FH>;
close FH;
if ( ! m/$searchrx/s ) {
        print qq/pattern not found\n/;
        # do something

I'm not sure which is more "Perlish", but I hear "TMTOWTDI" is supposed to 
be valued, too.  I welcome any criticism.

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