Hi All,

I am looking for something capturing UDP packet on a server. These are
MpegTS packets, which will have TS data, PAT/PMT and Video Audio PIDs.
I am able to check that packets are coming fine or not using tcpdump.

        system(" tcpdump -v -i eth1 dst > file.txt & ");
        my $PID=`ps aux | grep  'tcpdump ' | grep -v grep | awk '{print
        print "SLEEEPING FOR 5 seconds....\n";
        print "KILLING PROCESS ID  ------->|$PID|\n";
        system("kill -9 $PID");
        my $LINES=`wc -l file.txt | awk '{ print \$1}'`;
        if($LINES > 5) {
                print "SUCCESS..\n";
        } else {
                print "FAIL...UDP Packets are not coming\n";

above code works fine. But i am not able to look for packet with TS details.
After googling, i found that i need to use TS analyzer, that would be
difficult as TS analyzers are software without command line (as i need to
automate testing :( .. ).

Has anybody come across  capturing TS UDP packets using Perl?
Any pointers will be helpful.


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