Hi Tiago,

Welcome aboard.

I'll supply some comments on how to improve your code:

On Thursday 21 Apr 2011 22:03:27 Tiago Hori wrote:
> Hey Guys,
> I am a real beginner so at the risk of being slammed by some, I wanted to
> get some input.
> I was trying to do exercise 5 of the 5th edition of learning perl:
> It is based on exercise 4, so I will paste both here:
> 4. [10] Write a subroutine, named greet, that welcomes the person you name
> by
> telling them the name of the last person it greeted:
> greet( "Fred" );
> greet( "Barney" );
> This sequence of statements should print:
> Hi Fred! You are the first one here!
> Hi Barney! Fred is also here!
> 5. [10] Modify the previous program to tell each new person the names of
> all of the
> people it has previously greeted:
> greet( "Fred" );
> greet( "Barney" );
> greet( "Wilma" );
> greet( "Betty" );
> This sequence of statements should print:
> Hi Fred! You are the first one here!
> Hi Barney! I've seen: Fred
> Hi Wilma! I've seen: Fred Barney
> Hi Betty! I've seen: Fred Barney Wilma
> So I worked on it for a while and got something really close to what is in
> the answers, but what you get as an output is grammatically incorrect, it
> is missing the commas and such. I figured that in reality, eventually in
> the real world, I would want the output to be correct or at least tab
> delimited. So I went about trying to get commas in and I came up with
> this:
> ! /usr/bin/perl

This should be "#!/usr/bin/perl".

> use strict;
> use 5.010;

Also add "use warnings;".

> sub greet {
>     state @people;
>     my $name = shift @_;
>     print "Hi $name! ";

You're missing a "\n".

>     if (@people){
> my @peoplec = @people;
> my $lastperson = shift @peoplec;

you should separate words in identifiers using underscores -

        my $last_person 

> my $beforelast = shift @peoplec;


> print "I've seen: ";
>     foreach (@peoplec){
>        print "$_, ";}
>                print "$beforelast and ";
>        print"$lastperson!\n";
>                  }
>                   else {
>                 print "You are the first here!\n";
>                         }
>              push @people, $name;
>            }

As Paul Johnson noted the indentation is wrong.

> &greet ("Fred");
> &greet ("Barney");
> &greet ("Wilma");
> &greet ("Betty");
> &greet ("Bamm-Bamm");



> exit;

What is the use of this "exit;" statement?
> I am no perl expert, but this code looks really clunky to me, so I was just
> looking for some input. If your input is your code sucks without any
> constructive suggestion, please keep it for yourself, since I already know
> that my code sucks! :P I am beginner, that's what newbies do, they suck (in
> general, some people are brilliant and don't, not my case).
> And since I got writing I thought I would chip in the discussion as a real
> newbie, from a newcomer perspective. I am a scientist, brutal criticism is
> part of my job (both giving it and receiving it), and I personally find it
> never gets easier. I agree with many people that if you want to be great,
> there is no other way, you have to, as Randall said, get a thick skin.
> However, some people are not learning perl to be great, they just want to
> be OK. I am one of those. I have been using rudimentary Bio perl scripts
> to deal with Genomic data for a while, but never really learned the
> language, so I decided to go back to the beginning and learn it from
> there, from the ground. I have to say this list is a bit daunting  and
> does not look like a beginners list at all. I think it, as Cat Stevens
> would say, a wild world out there, but some of us are just trying to get
> by.
> That's my view from outside, really outside.

OK, thanks for your commentary.


        Shlomi Fish

Shlomi Fish       http://www.shlomifish.org/
"The Human Hacking Field Guide" - http://shlom.in/hhfg

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