On Sunday 24 Apr 2011 16:48:10 Akhthar Parvez K wrote:
> Hi Jyoti,
> On Thursday 21 Apr 2011, Jyoti wrote:
> > Please give me any link or any tutorial which will be helpful for
> > preparation of PERL interview.
> I don't honestly think someone would write an article or tutorial about
> "preparing for a Perl interview". That should actually split into two:
> Learning Perl and Preparing for an interview.
> And here's some free advice and feel free to take it if you like :-D
> #1 - Never learn for an interview; but learn for the job.
> #2 - Apply for an interview only if you're fit enough. - If you don't think
> your skill set don't match with the requirements of the company, just
> don't apply. You're thus doing a favor to yourself and everyone else. #3 -
> Once you apply, just be ready to face an interview any time.
> #4 - Trust your abilities and be confident - This is the most important
> part and would let you handle the interview in the best possible way. #5 -
> Never give a wrong answer - If at all you receive a question that you
> don't know, do not panic, just be smart and divert the question so you can
> answer what you know. #6 - Please your interviewer with well explained
> responses.

Some more advice from my experience:

1. Be yourself. Be honest. If you don't like 
Java/Perl/Python/COBOL/Lisp/C/C++/whatever, say so. Google hires many Python 
programmers to write Java, and even many Perl programmers to write Python or 
Java or whatever (yes, some people code even Python against their 
preferences). If you lie, you will eventually get caught, possibly after being 
hired and then fired immediately.

2. Seek good workplaces. A lot of workplaces there are crap. It's hard to know 
how many, but see http://blog.red-bean.com/sussman/?p=79 (= Version Control 
and "the 80%"). To paraphrase on what Tolstoy said "All good workplaces are 
the same. Every bad workplace is bad in its own way.". Often times, I realised 
I knew things much better in most respects than my superiors based on what I 
read in various software management and software development in general on the 
Web. It's hard the way a workplace is managed as an underling (at least if 
you're not being very assertive.) and it is a good idea to make sure that your 
boss (your CTO/etc.) have heard of http://www.joelonsoftware.com/ , knows what 
Extreme Programming is about mostly, understands test-driven development, has 
read "The Cathedral and the Bazaar", does not require more than 40 hours/week 
weekday (otherwise you *will* be burned out), etc. He does not have to agree 
to everything every software management "guru" out there says (which is often 
contradictory), but he has to be able to explain why he deviates from it.

Whether he prefers to use Perl or Python or Java or C or whatever (some of 
which are only useful in completely different contexts) is less critical.

3. Don't give up. Finding a job is hard now in the post-bubble world. 
Employers are very picky and careful, and 
http://www.joelonsoftware.com/articles/GuerrillaInterviewing3.html says that 
if you have a little doubt, it means no hire, which some employers may 
practise deliberately or subconsciously.

It can sometimes take a lot of time to find a good job after you left the 
original one (for whatever reason), but you should be able to find one, 
because it seems that in IT centres, all fields nowadays are desperately 
looking for clueful programmers. If you're good, you will likely find a job 
soon enough.

4. Whether working or not, always try to improve your existing skills (which 
you consider important enough and not passé), become experienced in more 
technologies (what I call "horizontal learning" because it's impossible to 
100% master a complete fields such as RoR/CPAN/Python/etc. and you should not 
wait to know everything to know about it to learn more stuff), and also 
improve your spoken and written English (and your native languages), because 
it is one of the most important skills that any person can possess, and 
naturally, every programmer.


OK, these are the things off the top of my head. 


        Shlomi Fish

Shlomi Fish       http://www.shlomifish.org/
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Ran Eilam To Shlomi Fish: so what are you working on? Working on a new wiki
about unit testing fortunes in freecell?

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