Hi all,

I've received quite a lot of heat from people here and elsewhere, due to the 
fact that I sometimes referred people to resources on http://perl-begin.org/ , 
in part because it is my own work. In this message, I'd like to note why I 
have been linking there and will continue to link there, while taking the fact 
that it is my own site into consideration, and that I cannot be accused of 
hypocricity for making use of it here ( also see 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ad_hominem ).

Now, the main contender for the Perl Beginners' Site is http://learn.perl.org/ 
. Now comparing between the two we get:

1. The licence of most of http://perl-begin.org/ is 
http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ which allows for almost unlimited 
use given attribution (parts of perl-begin are Public Domain , GFDL and 
recently we mirrorred the CC-by-nc-sa Modern Perl book by chromatic).

This is while the licence of learn.perl.org is 
http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ which is the most 
restrictive of the Creative Commons licences, and prevents a lot of use.

2. The coverage of http://perl-begin.org/ is much bigger than learn.perl.org. 
There are many more tutorials in the tutorials section, and there are many 
more pages on http://perl-begin.org/ including for some motivation on *why* to 
learn Perl, for resources about what to learn Perl from ( tutorials and books, 
including some that are mirrored locally, IDEs and editors, core 
documentation, collectionsof articles, FAQs and Exercises ) as well as how to 
get help (mailing lists, web forums, IRC channels, wikis and blogs). If that's 
not enough, there's also a coverage of platforms where Perl can run on, Common 
Uses (including Bio-info, chat bots, databases, email, QA and  testing, text 
processing, etc.) and Perl topics ( e.g: date and time, debugging, hashes, 
references, regular expressions, Object Oriented Perl)

3. We are referring people to the appropriate resources on learn.perl.org 
where appropriate.

4. Perl-Begin is maintained in an open Mercurial repository on 
http://bitbucket.org/ , which everyone can "fork", "clone" and contribute to. 
I accept any input, reports on typos, corrections, even without cloning the 
respository etc.

On the other hand, effectively contriubting to learn.perl.org has proven to be 
extremely difficult due to hostility and elitism on the part of its 
maintainers. In order to contribute to http://perl-begin.org/ all I need to do 
is patch the sources in my personal clone of the repository. On the other 
hand, just writing a patch to add a tutorials page to learn.perl.org proved to 
take several days of active discussion and red tape, and the patch ended up 
beign committed to the repository, in a derived state to what I approved, and 
without the http://perl-begin.org/ origins and my contributions even 
attributed in the Subversion commit message (which is a violation of its CC-by 

5. Perl-Begin has been actively maintained since its inception. On the other 
hand, learn.perl.org has been suffering from a lot of neglect and often years 
on end passed without activity.


If you can think of a good reason why I should refer people to any other site 
besides http://perl-begin.org/ (even taking into account that I am its 
originator and chief maintainer), then please share it now. Otherwise, I find 
http://perl-begin.org/ far superior to all of its competition and as such 
would appreciate that people:

1. Won't have any qualms for me recommending it, because I'm acting based on 
the Perl world's best interests for recommending it instead of a far inferior 

2. Will consider recommending it to people they encounter themselves, as well 
as linking to it.

It's high time we put the ad-hominem tendency of accusing someone of being 
selfish for recommending projects that they contributed to, to rest. There are 
many good reasons for prefering http://perl-begin.org/ over learn.perl.org and 
I'm not acting selfishly for recommending it, because it actually does rock.


        Shlomi Fish

Shlomi Fish       http://www.shlomifish.org/
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