From: "shadow52" <>

Hello Everyone,

I have finally hit my max times of banging my head on the best way to
parse some data I have like the following below:

name = "Programming Perl"
distributor = "O'Reilly"
pages = 1077
edition = "2nd"
Authors = "Larry Wall
Tom Christiansen
Jon Orwant"

The last line is giving me some trouble it has three newline seprators
which stops me from being able to use a split function like the

You can do something like:

use strict;

my $content = do { local $/; <DATA> };

my %elements = $content =~ /^\s*([^=]+)\s*=\s*"([^"]+)/gsm;

use Data::Dump 'pp';print pp \%elements;

name = "Programming Perl"
distributor = "O'Reilly"
pages = 1077
edition = "2nd"
Authors = "Larry Wall
Tom Christiansen
Jon Orwant"

This will print:

 "Authors "     => "Larry Wall\nTom Christiansen\nJon Orwant",
 "distributor " => "O'Reilly",
 "edition "     => "2nd",
 "name "        => "Programming Perl",

The important line is:

my %elements = $content =~ /^\s*([^=]+)\s*=\s*"([^"]+)/gsm;

It gets everything from the beginning of the line (but not the eventual spaces at the beginning of the line), until the first "=" sign, as the key for the hash, and the value is everything what's not a '"' char between the first " char and the next " char, as the value for that key.

Where you have a value with more lines, it will remain the same, and then you will be able to split it by those line endings if you will need that.


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