Hello All,

I have been here for a long time, but I just read stuff. I have not mustered
enough energy to really check what  Perl is all about until yesterday.
Write-only, cowboy language or something pretty cool. I spent few hours
going through learn.perl site stuff. I was really impressed. To me this is
indeed a cool language.

However, I noticed that among beginners here their concerns are mainly file
manipulation, string manipulation and hash table. Shouldn't someone make a
note with simple examples and put it on the internet? And I would want to
see codes from experts here once in a while with their design's reasons.

I have my own issues, and the most confusing part of Perl to me is this
thing called context. Why do we have it in Perl? What is its gain to be
language ? And another thing I am having issue to figure out is when it is
really needed is \&hoom, when hoom is a sub. I know from C , that if one is
to use function as a parameter that it should be in the form of address.

Apart from context, are there other hidden gems I need to know?

I would want to also thank the author of Learning Perl the Hard Way (Allen
B. Downey). I would want that book to be called Learning Perl the Soft Way.

Finally , this group is awesome ... with kind experts and mentors. I really
appreciate you help and time.


*Satajanus  Nig. Ltd


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