Emeka wrote:
Hello All,


What is the purpose of colon here ?

sub pop : method {
     my $self = shift;
     my ($list) = $self->_prepare(@_);

     pop @$list;
     my $result = $list;

     return $self->_finalize($result);

perldoc perlsub

    To declare subroutines:

        sub NAME;                     # A "forward" declaration.
        sub NAME(PROTO);              #  ditto, but with prototypes
        sub NAME : ATTRS;             #  with attributes
        sub NAME(PROTO) : ATTRS;      #  with attributes and prototypes

        sub NAME BLOCK                # A declaration and a definition.
        sub NAME(PROTO) BLOCK         #  ditto, but with prototypes
        sub NAME : ATTRS BLOCK        #  with attributes
        sub NAME(PROTO) : ATTRS BLOCK #  with prototypes and attributes

    To define an anonymous subroutine at runtime:

        $subref = sub BLOCK;                 # no proto
        $subref = sub (PROTO) BLOCK;         # with proto
        $subref = sub : ATTRS BLOCK;         # with attributes
        $subref = sub (PROTO) : ATTRS BLOCK; # with proto and attributes

The colon separates the sub name from the attributes.

Is this how to do function alias?

sub sortBy {&sort_by} #

sub sort_by {
     my $self = shift;
     my ($list, $iterator, $context) = $self->_prepare(@_);

     my $result = [sort { $a cmp $iterator->($b) } @$list];

     return $self->_finalize($result);

perldoc perlsub


        Because assignment of a reference to a typeglob creates an
        alias, this can be used to create what is effectively a local
        function, or at least, a local alias.

                local *grow = \&shrink; # only until this block exists
                grow();                 # really calls shrink()
move(); # if move() grow()s, it shrink()s too
            grow();                     # get the real grow() again

        See "Function Templates" in perlref for more about manipulating
        functions by name in this way.

Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and
more complex... It takes a touch of genius -
and a lot of courage to move in the opposite
direction.                   -- Albert Einstein

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