Hello all,
I posted this question in the bioperl forum- no replies after a day, so
let's see if anyone here can help.

I wrote a short test script for the Bio::DB::Taxonomy module:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Bio::DB::Taxonomy;

my ($nodesfile, $namesfile)= ('nodes.dmp', 'names.dmp');

my $db= new Bio::DB::Taxonomy(-source    => 'flatfile',
                              -nodesfile => $nodesfile,
                              -namesfile => $namesfile

my $bacteria= $db->get_Taxonomy_Node(-taxonid => '2');

For those of you who don't use BioPerl, the command
taxonid => '2')" returns a Bio::Taxon object.

After the execution of the print statement I expect to see the ouput " 2

Instead I get a warning:
UNIVERSAL->import is deprecated and will be removed in a future perl at
/usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/Bio/Tree/TreeFunctionsI.pm line 94.

and the following ouput:
Bio::Taxon=HASH(0x158dbe0)->id    Bio::Taxon=HASH(0x158dbe0)->name

The script seems to be working but there seems to be a problem with
dereferencing a Bio::Taxon object.

Can anyone suggest how I get to the attributes of the Bio::Taxon object?

Anjan Purkayastha, PhD
Senior Computational Biologist
TessArae LLC
46090 Lake Center Plaza, Suite 304
Potomac Falls, VA 20165**
Office- 703.444.7188 ext. 116

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