
First I would like to thank all who provided input.. With the help of the
this list, I was able to figure out what I needed to change to get it all
working.. And we have successfully kept VB out (Yippy!).. 

Now to the solution (note: I have copied the little test code and its output
below.. Please pardon the misspelt words in the scalar text..)..  

Both hashes (%Instance and %PlcyActions) need to be defined as a reference..
So %Instance should have been defined in the Top level structure as:

        INSTNCE =>  \%Instance

This assigns a reference to the hash to the key INSTNCE.. The hash in the
second level structure was redefined in the same way.. This makes perfect
sense, and once I saw that, I knew how to get to the data on all levels.. 

Now to access it, one additional change was needed.. To access the scalar in
the top level I use:


To go all the way to the bottom, I use:


Again, one the answer was discovered, it all made perfect sense.. 

Rob, the keys are set to the same values for the test.. I will try the data
dumper.. As I start filling out the structure.. The test code posted is just
the tip of the iceberg so to speak.. The real structure is a lot more
complicated.. This whole piece is actually just a subset of the entire

Flk k

P.S. My back ground.. Been programming going back to assembler in the 70's..
I always use the "use strict" declarative, and run perl with the "-w"
command line switch.. I do unless I am dealing with code someone else wrote,
and I have'nt had the chance to clean it up (I've redone scores at my
current employer).. 

Also I grew up in the days before the internet.. As such I tend to RTFM
(Read The 'Friendly" Manual) long before I go to any list.. I have more
books on perl than you can imagine (as well as C, Python, etc.,  etc.).. And
then only post after hours of reading FAQ's and posts.. As I said in my

Code follows:

#!perl -w
use strict;

my %Instance;
my %PlcyActions;
my $Policy;
my $PlcyName = "My Most Exelent Good Policy";
my $PlcyDesc = "A good descrition for a policy";
my $Interval = "10h:20m:15s";
my $SourceShortName = "Coda";
my ($CondID, $InstDesc, $Object, $Threshold, $NewOne);
my ($Severity, $MsgText, $AutoAct);

$Policy = {
    NAME => $PlcyName,
    DESCRPT => $PlcyDesc,
    INTERVL => $Interval,
    CODA    => $SourceShortName,
    INSTNCE => \%Instance,

$InstDesc  = "BadIncident";
$CondID    = "12345678";
$CondID    = "CONDID_".$CondID;
$Object    = "To get this thing to print";
$Threshold = "How much pain can I take";

%Instance = (
    $CondID => {
        DESCRPT => $InstDesc,
        OBJECT  => $Object,
        THRESHD => $Threshold,
        ACTIONS => \%PlcyActions,

$Severity = "SupperDupperHigh";
$MsgText  = "Head for the hills";
$AutoAct  = "Shut her down";

%PlcyActions = (
    START => {
        SEVRTY  => $Severity,
        TEXT    => $MsgText,
        AUTACTS => $AutoAct,
    CONT => {
        SEVRTY  => $Severity,
        TEXT    => $MsgText,
        AUTACTS => $AutoAct,
    END => {
        SEVRTY  => $Severity,
        TEXT    => $MsgText,
        AUTACTS => $AutoAct,

print "\n-------------------------------------------------\n";
print "Top level access..\n";
print "\t\$Policy->{NAME}:\n\t\t\"$Policy->{NAME}\"..\n";
print "\t\$Policy->{DESCRPT}:\n\t\t\"$Policy->{DESCRPT}\"..\n";
print "\t\$Policy->{INTERVL}:\n\t\t\"$Policy->{INTERVL}\"..\n";
print "\t\$Policy->{CODA}:\n\t\t\"$Policy->{CODA}\"..\n";
print "-------------------------------------------------\n";
print "-------------------------------------------------\n";
print "Second level access..\n";
print "\n\t\$Policy->{INSTNCE}:".
print "\n\t\$Policy->{INSTNCE}{\$CondID}:".
print "\n\t\$Policy->{INSTNCE}{\$CondID}->{THRESHD}:".
print "-------------------------------------------------\n";
print "-------------------------------------------------\n";
print "All the way..\n";
print "\n\t\$Policy->{INSTNCE}:".
print "\n\t\$Policy->{INSTNCE}{\$CondID}->{ACTIONS}:".
print "\n\t\$Policy->{INSTNCE}{\$CondID}->{ACTIONS}{START}{SEVRTY}:".
print "\n\t\$Policy->{INSTNCE}{\$CondID}->{ACTIONS}{CONT}{TEXT}:".
print "\n\t\$Policy->{INSTNCE}{\$CondID}->{ACTIONS}{END}{AUTACTS}:".
print "-------------------------------------------------\n";

Program output:
Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\Documents and Settings\eendh66\Desktop>"test"

Top level access..
                "My Most Exelent Good Policy"..
                "A good descrition for a policy"..
Second level access..


                "How much pain can I take"..
All the way..




                "Head for the hills"..

                "Shut her down"..

C:\Documents and Settings\eendh66\Desktop>

Flk k

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