At 17:29 -0300 29/9/11, Brian Fraser wrote:

On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 4:03 PM, John Delacour <> wrote:

Nitpick:  Why the upper-case charset name?

Uppercase is UTF-8-strict, while lowercase is the lax version that perl uses internally. Unless you are passing data from one perl program to another, and you are using illegal-UTF8-but-legal-UTFX (like if you define your own new characters beyond 10FFFF, which Perl allows but strict UTF-8 shouldn't), there's basically no good reason to use the lax version.

Right. Thank you for the explanation. Perl has so affected my thinking that I'd forgotten that RFC 3629 names it upper case 'UTF-8'.

But if you include 'qw< :std :encoding(utf-8) >', is that not also using encoding?

...The :encoding() part actually refers to a layer provided by a module, not the encoding pragma.


Yeah, it's a mess. :)

Yes, but thank goodness for Dan Kogai et al. I'd sooner have them sort it out than do it myself!


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