On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 18:51, Octavian Rasnita <orasn...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I would like to put a question. Is top-posting accepted on the list?

I've thought about this for a while, and I think I've finally got
something that should make everybody about equally annoyed. (There is
no solution to this problem that will please everybody, or even please
a sizable majority. It is the "toilet paper over or under?" of the
mailing list world.)

Let me preface this by saying that my personal preference is for
bottom-posting. I cut my teeth on Usenet and large mailing lists and
bottom-posting *with editting* seems like a sensible way to
communicate to me. That said, I've also made my peace with shifting
into "top-posting mode" when I'm dealing with people who don't have my
preferences or experiences.

So (and I will include a version of this in a "list culture" section
that I will be adding to the FAQ):

* We prefer bottom-posting but we will tolerate top posters.
* We may *politely* _ask_ people to bottom-post.
* We will not demand or order people to bottom-post.
* We are free to not reply to people who top-post, or to otherwise ignore them.

(Aside from the "don't demand/order top-posting", I think this is a
fair synopsis of current list behavior, which was a large factor in
this decision.)

Thanks for raising the issue, Octavian.


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