On 24/10/2011 21:35, John W. Krahn wrote:
> You forgot the part where the OP wants to sort the output. :-)

I thought I didn't have enough information to know how the OP wanted the
report sorted, but I see from the attacked shell script that the
original lines from the df output are sorted before reformatting. To
achieve that the complete df listing must be in memory, so it is simpler
to use backticks rather than opening a pipe.

The fix below replaces the original code from

  # Open a pipe from the df command

to the end of the while loop. The rest of the program stays the same.



my @data = `df -k`;

# Drop the header line and sort the data lines
shift @data; 
@data = sort @data;

# Parse each data record into a hash.
# Convert the KBytes field to new MBytes and GBytes fields.
# Do the same in-place for Used and Avail.
# And replace the data line with a referece to the new hash
foreach (@data) {

  my %rec;
  @rec{qw/Filesystem KBytes Used Avail Capacity Mount/} = split;

  $rec{MBytes} = kb_to_mb $rec{KBytes};
  $rec{GBytes} = kb_to_gb $rec{KBytes};
  $rec{$_} = kb_to_mb $rec{$_} for qw/Used Avail/;
  $_ = \%rec;


Filesystem                                MBytes      Used    Avail Capacity 
-------------------------------------- --------- --------- -------- -------- 
/dev/md/dsk/d1                           3027-MB   2424-MB   542-MB      82% /  
/dev/md/dsk/d3                           3027-MB   1558-MB  1408-MB      53% 
/dev/md/dsk/d4                           4886-MB   4229-MB   608-MB      88% 
/proc                                       0-MB      0-MB     0-MB       0% 
dev0ns951:/vol/vol_admin/admin          38810-MB  32189-MB  6621-MB      83% 
dev0ns951:/vol/vol_admin/admin/cpadocs  38810-MB  32189-MB  6621-MB      83% 
dev0ns951:/vol/vol_admin/common        314368-MB 260633-MB 53735-MB      83% 
dev0ns951:/vol/vol_admin/docs            8270-MB   7076-MB  1194-MB      86% 
dev0ns951:/vol/vol_admin/prodhome       32870-MB  25964-MB  6906-MB      79% 
dev0ns951:/vol/vol_admin/prodhome       32870-MB  25964-MB  6906-MB      79% 
dev0ns951:/vol/vol_admin/saphome           90-MB     37-MB    53-MB      42% 
fd                                          0-MB      0-MB     0-MB       0% 
mnttab                                      0-MB      0-MB     0-MB       0% 
swap                                     8460-MB      0-MB  8460-MB       1% 
swap                                     8513-MB     54-MB  8460-MB       1% 

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