On Friday, October 28, 2011 at 07:54 , Gary wrote: 
> Dermot, you're a genius! I would *never* have stumbled on that byaccident. 
> I'm pretty sure I did try %$self->{_cfg} but it was having
> none of it.

At this point I'm going to gently but firmly recommend that you stop and read 
some documentation on references, specifically:

* 'perldoc perlreftut' (<http://perldoc.perl.org/perlreftut.html>)
* 'perldoc perldsc' (<http://perldoc.perl.org/perldsc.html>)

You can read them on the web with the links, or in the shell by running the 
command on the left. 

The "wrap the ref in brackets and the sigil for the underlying variable type" 
trick is a pretty fundamental concept when you're using references; I think 
you'll have a lot more success and a lot less frustration if you read those 
docs now, particularly since you seem to be going down a "try to intuit how to 
make things do what I mean" route. 


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