On 11-10-28 09:22 AM, Pau Marc Munoz Torres wrote:
Hi everbody!

  I just discovered CGI.pm package and i think it's cool, but i still  having
a couple of dubts

  Imagine i got a pice of script like that

  use DBI;

  use CGI;

my $h=new CGI() ;
  ## some DB connection

print $h->header;
print $h->start_html;

my $query=$q->prepare("select name, age from student");


print "<TABLE>";

print $h->start_table();

while(my @data=Sq->featchrow_array()){

    print "<TR><TD>$data[0]</TD><TD>$data[1]</TD></TR>\n";

print $h->Tr( td($data[0]), td($data[1]) );


print "</TABLE>";

print $h->end_table();

print $h->end_html;

How do you would script the table part on cgi.pm, please, notice that the
table could be really hugh and take a long time to be compleatly written, so
, i would like to be printed as long as i'm reciving the data from the



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