
I'm trying to use the -underline option on a Button in a Tk::NoteBook to
implement keyboard mapping.  The character appears underlined, but the
callback function is not called.  Am I missing somthing?  (I've tried
anonymous callbacks as well).

Code Begin...

use Tk;
require Tk::NoteBook;

sub bail{ exit; };

$mw = MainWindow->new;

$mw->title("NoteBook Widget Test");

$f = $mw->NoteBook();
$page1 = $f->add("page1", -label => "page1");
$page1->Button(-text => "Exit",
               -underline => 0,
               -command => \&bail
               )->pack(-side => 'bottom');

$p1_label1 = $page1->Label(-text => "This is page number 1",
                           -highlightbackground => "yellow"
                           )->pack(-side => 'top',
                                   -anchor => 'n');

$page1->Button(-text => "Select Page 1",
               -command => sub { $f->raise("page1"); }
               )->pack(-side => 'left');
$page1->Button(-text => "Select Page 2",
               -command => sub { $f->raise("page2"); }
               )->pack(-side => 'left');
$page1->Button(-text => "Select Page 3",
               -command => sub { $f->raise("page3"); }
               )->pack(-side => 'left');
$page1->Button(-text => "Select Page 4",
               -command => sub { $f->raise("page4"); }
               )->pack(-side => 'left');

$page2 = $f->add("page2", -label => "page2");
$page3 = $f->add("page3", -label => "page3");
$page4 = $f->add("page4", -label => "page4");


Code End...

Thanks in advance,

Powell E. Barber,  Sr. Engineer     850.644.6477 voice
Department of Nuclear Services      850.644.9848 fax
Florida State University
Tallahassee  FL  32306-4470

"When you've got a Chautauqua in your head, it's extremely
 hard not to inflict it on innocent people."  R. M. Pirsig

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