On 01/13/2012 07:25 PM, Parag Kalra wrote:
my $obj = FooBar->new;
$obj->{'new_key'} = 'some_value'
Now I am not sure if that is the correct way of inserting a new data
structure into an already bless reference

1.  FooBar may or may not be implemented as a hashref.

2. It's not wise to muck with the internals of an object (violates encapsulation).

Aggregation seems to be the cleanest approach, as suggested by Shawn H Corey:


But, you will need to figure out how to pass through method calls to the inner object (via AUTOLOAD?) and deal with the possibility of your accessor name colliding with a future contained class method name (via UNIVERSAL::can?).

That said, if you know that FooBar is implemented as a hashref, that FooBar (and everything else) does not use FooBar's 'new_key' hash key, that FooBar does not implement a method with the same name as your accessor name, and are willing to gamble that things will stay that way, the cheap hack would seem to be inheritance -- create a subclass and provide a suitable constructor and/or accessor. But, now you need to provide for two future possible collisions (hash key plus method name).

All of the above is "old school" Perl OO.  The new way is Moose:



I'm still climbing the Moose learning curve, so I'll refrain from making any suggestions.



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