Hi Satya,

On Fri, Jan 27, 2012 at 5:29 PM, Nemana, Satya <snem...@sonusnet.com> wrote:

> Hi Rob
> All I got from this exercise is
> ./startAutomation syntax OK
> and a complete print of the startAutomation perl file with the fully
> qualified function names, all the variables used in the program at the
> beginning of the program.
> From the time command output, as used in the command "time /ats/bin/perl
> -w -MO=Deparse ./startAutomation "
> I have
> 92.765u 110.414s 3:24.11 99.5%  0+0k 0+0io 0pf+0w
> How do I know module wise, how much time perl is taking for compiling each
> of the modules and where perl is spending time in the compilation?

    I think the module you need is Benchmark.
    Please do on CLI: perldoc Benchmark. Am sure you get want to want!

> How do I enable more verbose in the compilation or execution of the
> program?
> Thanks,
> Satya
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rob Dixon [mailto:rob.di...@gmx.com]
> Sent: 27 January 2012 15:19
> To: beginners@perl.org
> Cc: Nemana, Satya
> Subject: Re: How to compile just the current perl module, ignoring all the
> other included modules
> On 27/01/2012 12:58, Nemana, Satya wrote:
> > Hi Shawn
> >
> > How do I use this option of -MO=Deparse when executing a perl script
> > with an embedded #! Prompt?
> >
> > Our scripts start with the line
> > #!/ats/bin/perl -w
> >
> > I tried adding the parameters here, but got the following errors
> >
> > Too late for "-MO=Deparse" option at ./startAutomation line 1.
> > BEGIN { $^W = 1; }
> >
> > Then there are a host of other environment variables set before
> > executing the functions in the modules by a call to
> >
> > unless ( my $return_val = do $test_suite_list_file ) {
> >      die "ERROR: Couldn't parse test suite file
> \"$test_suite_list_file\": $@\n" if $@;
> >      die "ERROR: Couldn't 'do' test suite file
> \"$test_suite_list_file\": $!\n" unless defined $return_val;
> >      die "ERROR: Couldn't run test suite file
> > \"$test_suite_list_file\": $!\n" unless $return_val;
> >
> > is there other way of using the option -MO=Deparse??
> No, the module has to be mentioned on the comnmand line, but you can say
>   /ats/bin/perl -w -MO=Deparse prog.pl
> which will have the desired effect. You can also add the additional files
> in the same command if necessary using the -f option like this
>   /ats/bin/perl -w -MO=Deparse -f file1.pl -f file2.pl prog.pl
> Also you should be using
>   use warnings;
> instead of -w in the #! line.
> HTH,
> Rob


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