On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 1:14 PM, <sono...@fannullone.us> wrote:

>    For example, do I really need three foreach loops?

You can get rid of third ForLoop for sure.

use strict;
use warnings;

my %states = (
       AL => [ '350','351', ],
       AK => [ '995','996', ],
       AZ => [ '850','851', ],
       AR => [ '716','717', ],

my $customers_state = 'AZ';
my $customers_zip = '850';
my $match = 'no' ;

STATE: foreach my $state (keys %states) {
           if ($state eq $customers_state) {
               foreach (@{$states{$customers_state}}) {
                   my @zips = $_;
                   $match = 'yes' if grep /$customers_zip/, @zips ;
                   last STATE;
print $match;

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