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"John W. Krahn" <> wrote:

>Chris Stinemetz wrote:
>> I am trying ot find a way to use an array as a reference to remove
>> lines from a file.
>> The array @keyFields has the elements "rcsm and cdmno". My objective
>> is to remove any line from the input that matches the regex /rcsm\d/
>> and cdmno\d/.
>AND means matching BOTH in the same line, but you only want to match ONE 
>of the array elements so that should be "rcsm OR cdmno".
>> I'm not sure if I'm using the best approach.
>> I am getting the following error:
>> Argument "rcsm" isn't numeric in array element at line
>> 15,<DATA>  line 1.
>> Argument "cdmno" isn't numeric in array element at line
>> 15,<DATA>  line 1.
>> #!/usr/bin/perl
>> use warnings;
>> use strict;
>> my $file = "nonKeys.txt";
>> my $newFile = "cleanKeys.txt";
>> my @keyFields = qw(rcsm cdmno);
>> #open my $FH, '<', $file or die "ERROR opening $file: !";
>> open my $FHOUT, '>', $newFile or die "ERROR opening $newFile: !";
>> while (<DATA>  ) {
>>    chomp;
>>    for my $i ( @keyFields ) {
>$i now contains either 'rcsm' or 'cdmno'.
>>      print $FHOUT $_ =~ s/$keyFields[$i]\d/match/;
>Using a string as an array index will convert that string to a numeric 
>value, in this case the number 0, so $keyFields[$i] will always evaluate 
>to 'rcsm' as that is the first element of @keyFields.
>The substitution operator will return either 1 or '' (true or false) 
>which is probably not what you want.
>>    }
>> }
>> __DATA__
>> cdmno=1
>> rdnt_cdmno=1
>> cdmno2=1
>> cdmno3=1
>> cdmno4=1
>> cdmno5=1
>> cdmno6=1
>> cdmno7=1
>> cdmno8=1
>> cdmno=2
>> rcsm=801
>> rcsm2=801
>> rcsm3=801
>> rcsm4=801
>> rcsm5=801
>> rcsm6=801
>> rcsm7=801
>> rcsm8=801
>> rcsm=801
>> rcsm2=801
>> rcsm3=801
>> rcsm4=801
>> rcsm5=801
>> rcsm6=801
>> rcsm7=801
>> rcsm8=801
>> rcsm=802
>$ echo "cdmno=1
>rcsm=802" | perl -e'
>my @keyFields = qw/ rcsm cdmno /;
>while ( my $line = <> ) {
>     print $line unless grep $line =~ /$_\d/, @keyFields;
>     }
>Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and
>more complex... It takes a touch of genius -
>and a lot of courage to move in the opposite
>direction.                   -- Albert Einstein
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