>>> open(MYINPUTFILE ,"/net/fallsroot/export/d100/m4/input_file");
>>> open(MYOUTFILE, ">  output_file");
>> it is recommended to use a three argument filehandle
> "three argument filehandle"?

What I meant to imply was: "3-argument version of open"

>> open my $INPUTFILE, '<',$input_file or die "ERROR opening $input_file:
>> $!";
>> open my $OUTFILE, '>',$output_file or die "ERROR opening $output_file:
>> $!";
>>> foreach $line (<MYINPUTFILE>){
>> use a while loop to read one line at a time
>> while ( my $line = $INPUTFILE ) {
>>     chomp $line;
>>>    chomp($line);                    # remove the newline from $line.
>>>                                     # do line-by-line processing.
>>>    my @column1 = split("/\\/",$line);
>> I'm not sure what you are trying to do here. Split will split on white
>> space by default
>>>    print MYOUTFILE $column1[5] ,"\t" ;
>> you are trying to print the fifth element in the array @column1
> Array indexes start at 0 so that is the sixth element.

You are correct. This was a careless response on my part.

>>>    my @column2 = split("=",$line);
>> now it looks like you are wanting to split $line again based on "="
>> this would require you to reread the input file or create a better
> Why would you need to reread the input file?

How would you handle this?
The OP didn't provide the input data.



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