Dave K wrote:
Hello - I am new to Perl, and looking for some much needed direction.

I am trying to get a basic formula in place (within an existing IF
statement) that will serve to increase my price (i.e., "$new_price")
by the following formula:

=PRICE divided by 0.8  plus 15

In other words, if the Price is equal to 3, the results of the
$new_price should be 18.75.  And if the price is equal to 5, then the
$new_price should be equal to 21.25.

The script that I am trying to alter  is shown below. Can someone
possibly let me know how I can alter the below script (which I believe
would mean to alter the line that reads $new_price = $o_list[2]-
{price};) so that the new price would would work as described above?
Also, just a layman's explanation of the syntax shown below would be
greatly helpful.  I am trying to understand what the "-="

$x -= $y;

Is  short for:

$x = $x - $y;

It is borrowed from the C programming language.

and the "->"

That is the dereference operator.

perldoc perlop
perldoc perlref
perldoc perldsc

and the "?" characters represent.

? : is the conditional operator.

my $x = $a > $b ? $y : $z;

Is equivalent to:

my $x;
if ( $a > $b ) {
    $x = $y;
else {
    $x = $z;

Thanks for any suggestions or guidance.

if ( @o_list ) {
  if ( defined ( $o_list[2] ) ) {
  $new_price = $o_list[2]->{price};
  $new_price -= $new_price<= 0 ? $new_price - .01 : 0;

if ( @o_list && defined $o_list[ 2 ] ) {
    $new_price = $o_list[ 2 ]{ price } / 0.8 + 15;

Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and
more complex... It takes a touch of genius -
and a lot of courage to move in the opposite
direction.                   -- Albert Einstein

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