Hi Chris,

On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 12:02 PM, Chris Stinemetz

> >
> > It is always better to post a complete, short, working program rather
> than a
> > snippet.
> >
> Maybe this will make it more clear as to what I am trying to
> accomplish. I simply want to test to see if @hours exists as a second
> key in the hash of hashes %data.
> If it does not print \t otherwise print the value of the hash.
> Sorrry still trying to wrap my head around iterating through a nested
> referenced hash.
> Thank you,
> Chris
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use warnings;
> use strict;
> use Data::Dumper;
> my %data =(
>         '149' => {
>                    '05' => '1',
>                    '06' => '1',
>                    '00' => '1',
>                    '01' => '2',
>                    '03' => '2',
>                    '04' => '2'
>                  },
>         '077' => {
>                    '05' => 'ND',
>                    '06' => 'ND',
>                    '00' => 'ND',
>                    '01' => 'ND',
>                    '02' => 'ND',
>                    '04' => 'ND'
>                  },
>         '078' => {
>                    '05' => '1',
>                    '06' => '1',
>                    '00' => '1',
>                    '01' => '1',
>                    '02' => '1',
>                    '03' => '1',
>                  },
> );
> my $href = \%data;
> my @wanted = qw(077 078 149);
> my @hours = qw(00 01 02 03 04 05 06);
> foreach my $cell ( @wanted ) {
>   print  "$cell:";
>   foreach my $hr ( @hours ) {
       foreach(keys %{$href->{$cell}}){
            print "\t",$href->{$cell}{$_} if $_ == $hr;
    print  "\n";


077:    ND    ND    ND    ND    ND    ND
078:    1       1      1       1       1       1
149:    1       2      2       2       1       1

> output:
> Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at
> ./example.pl line 46.
> 077:    ND      ND      ND              ND      ND      ND
> Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at
> ./example.pl line 46.
> 078:    1       1       1       1               1       1
> Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at
> ./example.pl line 46.
> 149:    1       2               2       2       1       1
> --
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