
I have this code

use Win32::OLE;
my ($t_row, $t_col) = (4,3);
my $word = Win32::OLE->CreateObject("Word.Application");
$word->{Visible} = 1;
my $doc = $word->Documents->Add;
my $table = $doc->Tables->Add($word->Selection->Range,$t_row, $t_col);
$table->Cell(1,1)->Range->{Text} = "Blue";
$table->Cell(1,2)->Range->{Text} = "Red";
$table->Cell(1,3)->Range->{Text} = "Green";
$table->Cell(3,1)->Range->{Text} = "Other Colors";
$table->Rows->{HeadingFormat} = -1;

Well My question are:

Exist a method to merge cells? for example I want to merge Cell(3,1) (3,2)
Exist a method to put all the table visible?
I want my table in this way but i dont know what kind of methods are
available in the Win32::Ole... Existe some kind of web or documentation to
search this methods?

|  Blue    |      Red   |    green   |
|*Other colors *_____________|

Thanks so much

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