On 05/21/2012 03:12 PM, sono...@fannullone.us wrote:
Hi Paul,

Please don't care about this until your code is running correctly but
too slowly and profiling has determined that this is the bottleneck.

        I'm curious as to why you say this.  If one way is faster than another, 
wouldn't it be better to do it that way, as long as it doesn't cause any 

        BTW, my code is running correctly.  I'm refactoring an old script.  The 
way I see it, every little bit helps. =;)


For one thing, there is the "Lies, Damned Lies and Benchmarks" factor. All that has been shown is that at some point in time, with some version of Perl, on some machine, under some conditions, one method was faster than the other by some small percentage. Whenever you have a set of benchmarks that are close to each other, things that are not measured by the benchmark can truly swamp the numbers. Factors like stack alignment, cache line size or system paging can make the first last and the last first.

For a second thing: Unless the ONLY thing your subroutine does is pull its arguments from the stack, the gains of using one technique versus another will be down in the noise compared to your actual *code*. If you are writing some piece of trivial code that gets called many, many, many times (say - a class accessor) then using the fastest (which, as you'll recall from the message upthread was neither shift nor assign, but using @_ directly) would make sense.

For the third thing: Every little bit does *not* help. As Paul mentioned - ONLY when performance becomes an issue should you start thinking about optimization ("Premature Optimization is the root of all evil") -- pick a method that makes sense to you and use it consistently.

My personal bias is: Since I write 99% OO code, the very first thing I do is "my $self = shift;" As to the rest of the arguments, sometimes I pull them into lexicals, sometimes I leave them in @_ to shift them off, *depending on which makes the easiest code to read*. Less than a dozen times in twenty years has the value of the computers' time been within orders of magnitude of the value of the humans time who manage the computer.

To summarize: Dogmatically using one technique over another because, "it's faster" in this case is...

  a)  Not true.  Benchmarks can and do lie.

b) Not important. The actual WORK your code does should be much more of the time than the mechanism for getting your arguments

c) Not good for you. Code that you (and your successors) can maintain is far more valuable than code that might be faster.


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