Hi GlenM,

Please my comments below:

On Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 7:06 PM, GlenM <glenmill...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello Folks;
> I see an earlier post about sluggish code - I am not really sure what I am
> doing, so I let me post my entire script here.
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> #use strict;
> use DBI;
> use XML::XPath;
> use XML::XPath::XMLParser;
> # Set the input dir where all of the XML files live
> my $input_dir = ".";
> # Begin reading the directory
> opendir(DIR, $input_dir) || die "sorry shit the bed $input_dir: $!";
> # Read them into an array
> my @files_in_dir = grep { /xml/ } readdir(DIR);
> closedir DIR;
> # connect to database and create parser object
> my $dbh = DBI->connect ("DBI:mysql:can_us_ratecenters",
>                           "xxxx", "xxxxxx",
>                           { RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 0});
> # clear the database - new DIDs coming in
> $dbh->do ('TRUNCATE TABLE rc_city_town');
> #Now the fun begins - read each file and put it in the database
> foreach my $f (@files_in_dir) {
>        open IN, "<$f";
> my $xp = XML::XPath->new (filename => "./$f");
> my $nodelist = $xp->find ("//row");
> foreach my $row ($nodelist->get_nodelist ())
>   {
>       $dbh->do (
>           "INSERT IGNORE INTO rc_city_town (state_prov, city_town,
> did_number) VALUES (?,?,?)",
>               undef,
>               $row->find ("state")->string_value (),
>               $row->find ("ratecenter")->string_value (),
>               $row->find ("number")->string_value (),
>           );
>   }
>        close IN;
> }
> $dbh->disconnect ();
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> As far as I can tell, the script works without any compilation errors.
> I ran it with the Perl debugger ( perl -d scriptname.pl) and stepped
> through it.
> It seems to bottleneck at the first foreach{} loop - probably not the best
> use case.
> To get this script to stop, I have to kill the process - it has been
> running for  over an hour - it populates the database, but I want to do
> this right.
> However, I am sure there is someone smarter than I and can look at this
> and say "..oh, there's your problem right there..."
  One could suggest you use a Perl profiler like Devel::NYTProf to find the
bottleneck, but since you might have spotted one, then I think you could
modify your script like so:

# Set the input dir where all of the XML files live
# connect to database and create parser object
# clear the database - new DIDs coming in

   # Begin reading the directory
   opendir(DIR, $input_dir) or die "sorry shit the bed $input_dir: $!";

    # then use a while loop instead of reading all your files into an array
    while( defined (my $file=readdir(DIR))){
       chomp $file;

           open my $fh,'<',$file or die "can't open this file :$!";

               my $xp = XML::XPath->new (filename => "./$file");
                ...... # rest of the codes
              ........ # till

            close $fh or die "can't close file:$!";
         } ## end of if block
   closedir DH or die "can't close directory:$!";

  $dbh->disconnect ();

However, I am not a Perl guru. So, I am relying on some assistance from the
> crowd.

    Hope this helps.

> Thanks  - Glen

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