thanks a lot !
will improve the coding standard.


 From: Shlomi Fish <>
To: Irfan Sayed <> 
Cc: Perl Beginners <> 
Sent: Monday, October 1, 2012 4:08 PM
Subject: Re: delete blank lines from text file
Hi Irfan,

On Mon, 1 Oct 2012 01:34:51 -0700 (PDT)
Irfan Sayed <> wrote:

> hi,
> i need to delete all blank lines from the text file 

How do you define a blank line? Is it an empty line? Is it a line that contains 

In any case, here are a few comments on your code and after that a solution:

> wrote following code. however, all the blank lines are not getting
> deleted. please suggest 
> open FILE,"+<", 'C:\Users\bvcontrolbuild\Desktop\test.txt';

1. Use lexical filehandles.

2. In this case the "+<" mode can be replaced by "<".

3. Use "/" instead of "\", which causes less escaping problems.

4. Throw an exception on failure - or die "Cannot open $filename - $!", or
alternatively use

>  while (<FILE>)
>        {
>         chomp;
>         push (@lines, "$_\n");
>        }

It's not a good idea to over use "$_" for loops. Use a lexical variable here.

Also, you should not chomp just to add the \n again. You can do:

my @lines = <$fh>;

>   close FILE;

> open FILE,">", 'C:\Users\bvcontrolbuild\Desktop\test.txt';
> foreach (@lines)

Again, do « foreach my $l (@lines)»

>       {
>        if ($_ =~ m/^\n/)
>        {
>         print "hi\n";
>         $_ =~ s/^\n//;
>         }
>         else
>         {
>          print FILE "$_\n";
>          }

This seems fine, but it won't work if the lines contain some whitespace (and 
only that).

Now for the solution. You can use

# For removing truly empty lines.
edit_file_lines sub { s/\A\n\z//; }, 'filename'; 
# For removing lines containing only whitespace
edit_file_lines sub { s/\A\s+\z//; }, 'filename'; 


Please go over this document, because you appear to keep making such mistakes:


    Shlomi Fish

Shlomi Fish
Parody of "The Fountainhead" -

How many “one-liners” do I actually write? I don’t know; maybe a couple dozen
a day. But I guess I must be unusual, because as we all know, AWK was a
complete failure and vanished into obscurity since it didn’t address anyone’s
real needs. (That was sarcasm.) — “Twelve Views of Mark Jason Dominus”

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