I am running a command on remote host to grab some data, i want to stop at a 
certain size. the following seem to be working (file size does not grow beyond 
1MB on disk), but the process keeps running till i guess everything coming from 
that 'pipe' is finished.

how can i stop/break/close the pipe as soon as i reach the limit?

my $ssh = Net::OpenSSH->new($host);

                my ($rout, $pid) = $ssh->pipe_out($cmd);

                    while (my $line = <$rout>) {
                        if ($size < $huge_limit ){
                            print $tmp_fh $line;
                            } else {
                            print $tmp_fh "reached File Size limit.";

this just simply times out. does not print any error message in the opened 
file. does stat operation affect the pointer inside the file?


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