On Mar 2, 2013, at 6:37 AM, Chris Stinemetz wrote:

> With Shlomi's approach how would I access each element in the %global_hash 
> within the main script calling the function?
> Below is what I have attempted.
> **Containers.pm**
> ## This is the file Containers.pm 
> package Containers;
> use parent 'Exporter';
> our @EXPORT = (qw(get_global_hash));
> my %global_hash = (
>         'donald' => 'duck',
>         'mickey' => 'mouse',
>         'goofy' => 'dog',
> );
> sub get_global_hash
> {
>         return \%global_hash;        
> }
> 1;
> **try.pl**
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use warnings;
> use strict;
> use Data::Dumper;
> use Containers;
> print "Hello", "\n";
> # our %global_hash;
> print get_global_hash;
> # print Dumper \%global_hash;

You would save a reference to the hash in a local variable:

  my $global_hash_ref = get_global_hash();

Then you can deference the hash reference to access individual values:

  my $name = $global_hash_ref->{'donald'};

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