Hi All

I am using Strawberry Perl (latest release) on a Windows 2003 SP2 server

I am trying to use a script to look at running processes, look for a
specific process, and kill that process if it is alive for more than 4
minutes as this would mean that the process has hung

When testing killing Notepad or Firefox, it works fine
In practice when trying to kill "ovntag or oprop" processes, it doesn't

It uses the following to kill the process:

Win32::Process::KillProcess ($pid, \$exitcode);

So here's the question.
Is there a difference between killing a process that is alive and one that
has hung?
In theory a process is a process, right?!
But the hanging process does not die!

Is there a better way to kill a process so that a hanging process will
actually die?

Thanks in advance


ps - the script also records a log if the process is killed - this required
a cleanup sub as for some reason I haven't worked out yet, I cannot created
the entire log file name in one go! This is not of concern - will look into
it soon enough
pps - Disclaimer! I am a total perl noob and have no code training, so
sorry if the code is ugly and wasteful



use warnings;
use strict;
use Win32::Process;
use Win32::Process::List;
use DateTime;

my %list;
my ( $process, $process_name, $pid, $new_pid, $it_lives, $it_lives_name,
$dt, $log_file );

$log_file = "C:/process_logs/log_" || shift;
$dt = DateTime->now(time_zone => 'Europe/London');

if ($it_lives) {

sub first_check {
$process = Win32::Process::List->new();
%list = $process->GetProcesses();
foreach $pid ( sort {$a <=> $b} keys %list ) {
$process_name = $list{$pid};
print "$pid\t$process_name\n";
                ## next line for testing only ##
if ($process_name =~/^notepad/ || $process_name =~/^fire/) {
##if ($process_name =~/^ovntag/ || $process_name =~/^oprop/) {
$it_lives = $pid;
$it_lives_name = $process_name;
                        sleep 240;
return $it_lives, $it_lives_name;
undef %list;

sub kill_it {
$process = Win32::Process::List->new();
%list = $process->GetProcesses();
foreach $new_pid ( sort {$a <=> $b} keys %list ) {
$process_name = $list{$new_pid};
print "$new_pid\t$process_name\n";
if ($it_lives == $new_pid) {
my $exitcode;
Win32::Process::KillProcess ($new_pid, \$exitcode);
open (my $fh, ">", "$log_file") || die "$!";
print $fh $dt, "\n\n$new_pid\t$process_name\n";
print $fh "\n", $it_lives, "\t$it_lives_name Was Killed", "\n\n";
close $fh;
undef %list;

sub cleanup {
my $oldname = "C:/process_logs/log_";
my $newname = $oldname . $dt->ymd('-') . 'T' . $dt->hms('-') . "\.txt";
rename $oldname, $newname;

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