On May 28, 2013, at 1:31 AM, R. S. wrote:

> Hello Gustavo,
> Tuesday, May 28, 2013, 2:05:27 AM, you wrote:
>> How do you will reply a message, if you will not receive it ?
> I meant a setting that only the messages that are reply to me are send
> to  my email and those from threads in which there is my reply also be
> send  like  on  web  forum  when  you subscribe to thread you get only
> reminders of that thread and not whole forum.
> Yesterday  I  subscribed  to  two  email list from perl and now in the
> morning I got 31 messages whom majority I'm not interested in.

No, that is not possible with the beginners@perl.org list or mailing lists in 
general. Mail list server is generally pretty simple in the functions it offers 
to the subscribers. 

Instructions for the list server are here:


If you send a message to beginners-h...@perl.org, you will receive a reply 
listing the functions the server will do for you. 

One of the things you can do is to get all of the emails with the same subject 
as a particular message. However, if you don't receive any message except the 
ones you start, how will you know if there is an interesting message? Anyway, 
that seems more work than just deleting or ignoring the messages that don't 
seem interesting. Most lists do not generate 31 messages a day.

You can get fewer messages if you ask the server to combine them into a digest. 
However, that makes replying to a single message more difficult.

If you do receive all of the messages, you might find something interesting to 
read, and you might learn more about Perl or programming in general. Also, you 
might eventually be in a position to help somebody else. 

This list is a two-way communication vehicle, with some people volunteering to 
help out others. It is not a simple help service for those who need help. For 
that, you usually have to pay money. We are all volunteers here. Trying to help 
other people with their Perl problems is a good way to learn more about Perl.
To unsubscribe, e-mail: beginners-unsubscr...@perl.org
For additional commands, e-mail: beginners-h...@perl.org

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