From:   Gregory Machin <>
> I'm debugging an application written in Perl that converse data exported
> from the Nessus security scanner in xml format. I have narrowed down the
> bug to an issue with special characters in names that are in the file such
> as Fr~A©d~A©ric and Gr~A©goire , thus ~A© are most likely the guilty parties.
> What is the best and most simple way to handle this ? From a quick google
> it looks like I should convert the file to UTF8 format , would this be
> correct ?
> Thanks
> Greg

Looks like the data already is utf8, but the header of the XML
specifies otherwise.
How do you parse the data? Can you give us a short example file?

===== === =====
When it comes to wine, women and song, wizards are allowed
to get drunk and croon as much as they like.
        -- Terry Pratchett in Sourcery

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