could i use local $/   instead of   $INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR

On Fri, Jul 12, 2013 at 5:33 PM, Shawn H Corey <>wrote:

> On Fri, 12 Jul 2013 17:14:42 +0530
> Agnello George <> wrote:
> > i have raw data that is like this in a flat file .
> >
> > start
> > name:agnello
> > dob:2 april
> > address:123 street
> > end
> > start
> > name:babit
> > dob:13 april
> > address:3 street
> > end
> > start
> > name:ganesh
> > dob:1 april
> > address:23 street
> > end
> >
> >
> > i need to get the data in the following format
> >
> > name:agnello, dob:23 april ,address:123 street
> > name:babit,dob:13 april,address:3 street
> > name:ganesh,dob:1 april,address:23 street
> >
> > i came up with this , is there a better way to do this :
> I love record with a definite record terminator. Try:
> #!/usr/bin/env perl
> use strict;
> use warnings;
> # --------------------------------------
> use charnames qw( :full :short   );
> use English   qw( -no_match_vars );  # Avoids regex performance penalty
> # --------------------------------------
> sub read_record {
>   my $record_fh = shift @_;
>   # all records are from "start\n" to "end\n"
>   local $INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR = "end\n";
>   my $record = <$record_fh>;
>   # $record undef at end of file
>   if( defined $record ){
>     # removes "end\n"
>     chomp $record;
>     # removes "start\n"
>     $record =~ s{ \A start \s* }{}msx;
>   }
>   return $record;
> }
> # --------------------------------------
> while( my $record = read_record( *DATA )){
>   # remove trailing "\n"
>   chomp $record;
>   # replace field separators with commas
>   $record =~ s{ \n+ }{,}gmsx;
>   # display the record
>   print "$record\n";
> }
> __DATA__
> start
> name:agnello
> dob:2 april
> address:123 street
> end
> start
> name:babit
> dob:13 april
> address:3 street
> end
> start
> name:ganesh
> dob:1 april
> address:23 street
> end
> --
> Don't stop where the ink does.
>         Shawn
> --
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Agnello D'souza

“Happiness is not so much in having , but in sharing.

We make a living by what we get,
but we make a Life by what we Give.”

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