
Do you know if there is a working module that can be used to post to WordPress 
from a Perl script? I've seen that all the modules that contain WordPress are 
very old.

I need to install that module under a Perl built with Perlbrew.
I tried to install WordPress, WordPress::API, but they both depend on 
WordPress::XMLRPC which depends on SOAP::Lite which depends on XML::Parser 
which can't be installed because of the error "expat.h - no such file or 
I also tried to install XML::Parser::Expat but it gives the same error.

By curiosity I searched for a Python module, and I found 
python-wordpress-xmlrpc, I installed it very fast and easy, I found that it 
offers more features than the Perl module WordPress, I tested a sample script I 
found on the web, and it worked very well.

The problem is that... I don't know Python.
(yet :)


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