On 23/07/2013 14:39, Shlomi Fish wrote:
Hi Rob,

I recommend against using XML::XPath because it's been undermaintained, is
slower than XML::LibXML's XPath support, may be more incomplete and I believe
it has poorer support for XML namespaces.

Instead one should use https://metacpan.org/module/XML::LibXML::XPathContext ,
which is part of XML-LibXML, which for completeness' sake I'd like to note that
I am its primary maintainer, so I may be biased. But recommending to use XPath
for that ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XPath ) is a good idea.

Hello Shlomi

Thank you for declaring your interest in the subject of your evangelism.
As you say, XML::LibXML is *your* module (or at least, you are
maintaining it) just as perl-begin.org is *your* website, and common
wisdom says that in such circumstances you should refrain from promoting
either of them altogether. If you insist on doing so anyway then I wish
you would make your declarations a *lot* more prominent, i.e. the
*first* thing you say in your post, rather than a subsidiary clause in a
secondary paragraph.

I try to avoid recommending XS-based modules when I sense that the OP
may have trouble digging himself out of a hole when a CPAN module has
failed to install. XML::XPath works fine here. It is plenty fast enough,
and the data doesn't use namespaces. You have no reason to disparage it.


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