On Sat, 07 Sep 2013 14:15:39 +0200
"Dr.Ruud" <rvtol+use...@isolution.nl> wrote:

> On 07/09/2013 13:43, Karol Bujaček wrote:
> >    print Dumper(@_);        # just look how the @_ looks like
> Consider: print Dumper( \@_ );
> >    my($animals, $digits) = @_;
> >
> >    my @animals = @$animals; # dereference
> >    my @digits = @$digits;   # dereference
> The comment is inaccurate.
> Why would you want to copy the arrays?

So you could can their contents without the contents of the arrays in
the caller being changed.

> >    print Dumper(@animals, @digits); # just look ...
> Consider: print Dumper( $animals, $digits );
my @pets = ('dogs' , 'cats' , 'horses');
my @numbers = (1..10);
my_study (\@pets , \@numbers);

sub my_study {
    my @animals = @{ shift @_ };
    my @digits  = @{ shift @_ };

# code for sub my_study

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