Your post to will likely result in some solicitations from
recruiters. You also likely to get a some queries about tele-working. At
least that has been our experience. I'm not saying that either is good or
bad but it's worth making it clear in the description what your after. You
may also ask around at your local Perl Mongers group. They may be able to
offer some advise also.
Good luck,

On 2 October 2013 01:12, Angela Barone <> wrote:

> On Oct 1, 2013, at 2:45 PM, John SJ Anderson wrote:
> is the definitive place to post Perl jobs.
> good luck in your search.
>  Thank you, John!  I mentioned this link and was told that the last time
> we used it, we got a lot of responses from people who really didn't know
> there craft.  :(   If need be, we'll try it again, but hopefully there's a
> better solution for us.
> We're not looking for an individual to do some coding.  We would like an
> actual company, or a team of programmers, who can write a modern, large
> scale e-commerce solution from the ground up.
> Does anyone know of a Perl shop - an actual company of developers that can
> handle bigger jobs like this (from Perl to web design)?
> Thanks again,
> Angela

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