I think Starman.pm is for document and version only.

follow the code here.




  $server_class = Plack::Util::load_class($server, 'Plack::Handler');

$server is Starman, so the server_calss is Plack::Handler::Starman


The code will not cheat, so be patient.

On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 7:51 PM, Yonghua Peng <sys...@mail2000.us> wrote:

> Hello members,
> I run this command to install Starman webserver working along with Dancer.
> $ sudo cpanm Starman
> This run successfully.
> Then I take a look at the source of Starman, found it has only 6 lines
> code:
> package Starman;
> use strict;
> use 5.008_001;
> our $VERSION = '0.4009';
> 1;
> __END__
> (see http://cpansearch.perl.org/src/MIYAGAWA/Starman-0.4009/lib/Starman.pm
> )
> How a Starman webserver can run with this nothing actual code?
> Thanks.

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