It seems so obvious now. Should possibly have just tested it myself before

Thank you all for the explanations!
On 29 May 2014 21:36, "Jim Gibson" <> wrote:

> On May 29, 2014, at 1:20 PM, James Kerwin wrote:
> > Hello all, long time lurker, first time requester...
> >
> > I have a Perl exam tomorrow and came across a question that I just
> cannot find an answer to (past paper, this isn't cheating or homework etc.).
> >
> > Explain the difference between:
> >
> > ($test)=(@test);
> >
> > And
> >
> > $test=@test;
> >
> > If anybody could shed any light on this I'd be very grateful.
> The difference is the "context" of the assignment: "scalar" or "list", and
> how @test (or (@test)) is evaluated in that context.
> In the first statement ($test) = (@test), the parentheses around $test in
> the left-hand side (LHS) of the assignment places the evaluation of the
> right-hand side (RHS) in list context. In list context, with two lists on
> either side of the assignment operator (=), assignment is made from each
> element on the RHS to the corresponding element on the LHS. Therefore, the
> one and only element on the LHS ($test) gets assigned the value of the
> first element of the RHS, and $test ends up with the value of $test[0].
> In the second statement, the assignment is done in scalar context, and the
> RHS is evaluated in scalar context. A list evaluated in scalar context
> returns the number of elements in the list, and $test is assigned the value
> ($#test+1).
> Note that the parentheses around @test in the first statement are
> irrelevant. The context is list with or without them.
> Try it yourself:
> % perl -e '@t=qw(1 2 3);$t=@t;print qq($t\n);'
> 3
> % perl -e '@t=qw(1 2 3);($t)=@t;print qq($t\n);'
> 1
> % perl -e '@t=qw(1 2 3);($t)=(@t);print qq($t\n);'
> 1

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