
I develop some scripts which we use with OS crontab to schedule to run
certain scripts. Scripts are for backup , VM on/off etc...

I want to integrate crontab function within perl script to do this.

Like a perl based daemon, which accepts date/time and action from users and
run according to that.

currently i define in cronjob

example : 10 10 * * * /opt/scripts/stop_vm.pl <VM_ID>

What is the better way to make it interactive with other team members , so
they can add/modify/remove schedule jobs with scripts.

I am thinking to make it as web based and different scripts which we are
currently using ( stop_vm.pl , start_vm.pl , backup.pl etc...), convert
them into module and then use those modules from main script which acts as
per schedule and complete certain task.

Please suggest me for this.


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